NAVROC 2025 has ended
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Wednesday, February 26

1:05pm CST

Lightning Talk #3: Ticket Black Holes and Incessant Beeping: How a Chat Interface Impacts Reference Anxiety; Lightning Talk #4: Cultivating Chat Expertise: A Year-Round Training Strategy
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:05pm - 1:55pm CST
Lightning Talk #3:
Inspired by our observation of colleagues that expressed hesitation with contributing to a global cooperative chat service, three librarians at [UNIVERSITY] conducted a survey (361 responses) and follow-up interviews (11) of U.S. librarians that focused on anxiety that librarians experience while participating in a cooperative chat service. Our aims for this study were to identify common barriers to participation and aspects of cooperative chat librarians find the most challenging. A recurring theme in our responses was the chat system’s interface, including frustrations, features they wish were included, and system settings that would improve the user and operator experience. While this research study focused on librarians who use Springshare’s 24/7 cooperative, this presentation is applicable to all chat systems.

This lightning talk will present research results on librarian anxiety surrounding cooperative chat and how our expectations of colleagues within a chat cooperative affect our feelings toward the system interface. Attendees will leave with questions and considerations to discuss with their reference team along with concrete suggestions for how to use your chat interface to the best of its ability. Our hope is that libraries can use the data to create better tools and support services surrounding librarian participation in cooperative chat, an increasingly crucial library service.

Lightning Talk #4:
Training for chat staff often consists of a single onboarding session followed by an annual refresher. While these training sessions serve as a valuable foundation, they fall short in addressing the dynamic nature of chat which calls for continuous learning throughout the year.

Our chat service could be best described as an untamed garden in need of structure and attention. To address the need for ongoing professional development for a service at a large research institution covered primarily by library staff, an email series titled Chat Tips was created to provide regular training updates, address recurring issues, and highlight useful tools and best practices. The content for the emails is derived from several sources: evaluations of yearly training sessions, analysis of transcripts, exploration of the chat platform, and identification of growth areas. A script for each email is drafted and then refined using ChatGPT to ensure the information is clear and concise. The emails are prepared at the beginning of the semester and scheduled for monthly distribution throughout the term to avoid overwhelming recipients inboxes.

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and the initiative has even attracted the attention of other departments, including our interlibrary loan and account management and appeals teams requesting tailored hat Tips related to services or policies. Additionally, specific tips have been created in response to concerns raised by staff regarding issues observed within chat. Future plans include incorporating video resources to further enhance engagement and effectiveness.

Erin Hvizdak

Humanities Librarian, Washington State University
avatar for Jen Saulnier Lange

Jen Saulnier Lange

Online Learning Librarian, Washington State University, Pullman
Jen Saulnier Lange is the Online Learning Librarian at Washington State University. Her work focuses on creating online learning objects and being the liaison to WSU's Global Campus. She is currently coordinating virtual reference at WSU.

Pamela Martin

University of Idaho
avatar for Kristin Snawder

Kristin Snawder

Ask Us Librarian, North Carolina State University
Kristin Snawder (she/her) is the Ask Us Librarian at NC State University.
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:05pm - 1:55pm CST
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